
The Lombok Library automatically creates the getter, setter, constructor, toString(), equals(), hashCode(), and many more methods for a Java Class. It does so by providing decorators that can be applied to classes.

Some of the most useful ones are:

  • @Getter/@Setter: Creates getter and setter methods for a field/class.
  • @NoArgsConstructor/@RequiredArgsConstructor/@AllArgsConstructor: Creates constructor with different arguments.
  • @ToString: Creates a toString() method.
  • @EqualsAndHashCode: Creates equals() and hashCode() methods.
  • @Data: Combines all the above decorators. Only @RequiredArgsConstructor in constructors.


import lombok.*;

class Node {
    private String foo;
    private int bar;

/* Usage */
Node n = new Node("baz", 1);
System.out.println(node); // Node(foo='baz', bar=1)